Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I'm sick

Goodness! i asked for sickness yesterday and i'm already sick now.

i have to ask parents for money agn :( omg i feel so shitty......

Monday, April 5, 2010


Tonite i want to post something about what im thinking about now.

1- i am confused and stressed about my relationship but i won't give up
2- i love one republic's new song. secret and good life
3- my name is Noer Chou.
4- i am the leader of my assignment group
5- i think i forgot something but i'm not sure what
6- i lost dota twice today
7- pity megan tung :/
8- ilu since the first day i met u
9- i forgot to remind aries to call me
10- i want to post it out. the videos and pictures that i find cool

forget it. i'll upload videos next time. i wana sleep. ciao man